Transparent Packages

One Page Site

For those who want something simple and streamlined. Everything on one page.
Book a free call
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee
    Launch in as Little as One Week*
  • Professional Design
  • Looks Perfect on Mobile Devices
  • Search Engine Optimized (SEO)
  • No Contracts
  • Free 3 Months of Post Launch Support
  • You Own Your Website
  • You Own Access to All Your Logins
  • Unlimited Pages

* Launch times vary based on project complexity and current workload.

How It Works


Pick Your Design

The first step of the process is picking a design. You'll want to find a template that is "CMS" capable. Also, remember all designs are completely customizable.

We can adjust the fonts, add/remove elements, and change the entire color scheme of any design you find.

Video Walkthrough of How To Pick A Design

Give Me The Raw Materials

Step 2 is where you provide the following:

  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Company bio for the about page
  • Team bio(s) for the about page (Optional)
  • Contact & location information
  • Logos
  • Any and all other content you want on the site
Example of Google Drive Folder A Client Shared

I Breathe Life Into Your Masterpiece

In Step 3, I begin building your website. This is where I carefully plan the layout, decide on the necessary pages, and determine what content should go where.

I’ll keep you updated regularly, checking in to gather your input as we move forward. My goal is to stay in close communication to ensure everything aligns with your vision as the site takes shape.


We Launch Your New Site!

In Step 4, it’s time to unveil your new website to the world. After thorough testing and final adjustments, I’ll launch your site, making it live for your audience.

This is the exciting moment when all our hard work comes together, and your digital presence is fully unleashed.

From here, it's totally fine if you have any more adjustments after we've gone live. I can continue to fine tune anything on the site as needed. I offer 3 months of support post launch completely free!

Launch In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

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Click below to head to the scheduling page to book a free call now.
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